Monday, 31 May 2010

Been Playing!

Now, I grant you, this is not the most delightful thing I have ever seen...but I am quite chuffed with it!

I have no idea what I will use it for!  But I really fancied making a milk carton!  Yeah, I know - bit wierd!

Yep - and I could have decorated em a bit better!  The template for the milk cartoon is from Milkwood templates - so a fabby freebie!

So - why am I chuffed?  Because I designed the thing they sit in myself!  You have gotta know that I don't do patience...I also don't do technical....and I definitely don't do fiddling around with things!  So this was a huge surprise to me!  AND, I even made a template of the original one so that I can make it again!

Hmmmmm - not sure if all of this means anything - am I maturing?  NAH!  Am I developing in my skills?  Hmmmmmm - not sure!

Now just have to decide what to put in the bloomin' thing!

Thanks for looking



Audrey said...

You are too funny! I think its super cute. I would fill it with Jelly Bellies!

Unknown said...

hi Ruthie
It looks gorgeous well done a lovely gift for someone special.
Christine x

Faye said...

You don't need to use it, you just admire it and how gorgeous it is! x

raindropecho said...

This is very sweet! You SHOULD be proud of it :)

- Ann

Penny Light/Light Whimsy said...

Oh, this is so fabulous and your story is so funny! You crack me up. You should be very proud of it, it's awesome. Congrats on winning that candy.