Friday 8 October 2010

Looking for helpers!

Its my birthday today...happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to mmm-eeeeee, happy birthday to me!  Arent you glad you couldnt hear me singing that?

For my pressie to myself, I thought I would do something for others!  I realised that I sometimes make things with no focus for who they are intended for - and also often dont have anyone to give them to!  That got me thinking that I should give these things to charity - I already donate bits and bobs to our twinning society but wanted to do something a little more consistent.  I also dont want to do it alone!

SO - I have started a new blog where we (notice that "WE") can share our charitable goodness, set tasks, make things for specific charities etc.  I just feel that there is a wealth of creativity out there and that just by making another couple of cards we could really help do some good out there!

And here is where you come in....I really am going to need some help on this - I would like to post others achievements, manage projects etc and just keep the blog busy - but am so aware that I cant do it all on my own.  I am based in UK (near London) so I guess it would also be good to have people from other countries to help out (as well as more from UK) - that way we could spread the kindness further.

Once we get going, we will then ask people who they think we should create for - so they wont be all of my choosing etc. We can then set some projects up and get sharing that kindness!

Oh enough waffling!  If you would like to join in then pop on over to the blog and either follow (to show your support) or email me ( the addie is on the blog) if you would like to help out in any way....obviously, if there were any companies who would like to help in anyway - it would be great if we could offer some candy to start things off!..........

My aim is to first get a group of people to help with the blog (need a blinkie too!)
Then get a creative team together
Then get a challenge together - or should that be a task or a project - oh you know what I mean!

Thanks so much for reading to the bottom of this rather long post! 

Please pop over and leave me a message - or leave me one here!



mckinkle said...

Oh Happy Birthday Ruthie! I hope that you are being spoilt for the whole day! Enjoy it all!

Good luck with your new venture also!

Keryn x

Julie said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day!
Julie said...

Happy Birthday hunny - have a good one! Good luck with the new venture. x

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Would love to maybe help makes stuff in the future but can't help lead anything right now...WAY TOO MUCH ON MY PLATE!! I am going to go follow the other site though and see what happens! Good luck!

Nazeema Calypso Thompson said...

Happy Birthday....mine was yesterday!!! You have a great idea on your hands...I'm going to check it out now.


Dragonlady said...

Hi Ruthie

Happy Birthday hun - sorry I am late!!!
Great idea of yours - when I start making surplus cards I will be sure to think of you. Will pop over and add my support to you.

Take care

Hugs Ali x