Friday 25 November 2011

Delicious Doodles - Hairy Legs

Teri is a really good DT boss, cos she asks for input from everyone - so we all get to contribute ideas for challenges etc.  

Well, the list was in the sidebar and I added a suggestion or two - and then I looked down at my legs and .....ermmm, yeah...they were HAIRY!  The challenge was born!  My legs are now perfectly smooth I hasten to add!  

So, we decided to use the title for the challenge and interpret it as anything with Hairy Legs - so that could be animals, spiders, MEN!

I chose this image, which I have printed off before but never used - I loved it the first time I saw it!

The flourish was yet another goody from our Crafty Weekend bag - did I mention we got lots?  AND, I made the glittery background paper using a glitter spray I already had and then adding a new one that I the goody bag!  

I took another shot to try and show the glittery paper!

Well, why not pop over and join in our Hairy Legs challenge?  



Croms' Cubby Hole said...

Loved the challenge Ruthie and love the card you made for it. Great looking 2tone bp. Hx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

PMSL might have guessed the theme was your idea!!!

Fab card hun, love the backing it goes perfectly with that gorgeous image!
Huge hugs shell xx

ike said...

FABULOUS card Ruthie. That background looks great on here but I reckon it looks awesome in real life. Super card and I'm glad your legs are now smooth:-) xxxxx

Allison said...

love that image, great card