Friday 1 July 2011

Delicious Doodles - Flourish and Bling!

Whew - seems to have been a long time since I got a really lovely package in the post!  Teri - da boss - sent us a lovely card each (and you know how much you appreciate a beautiful hand-made card when you make them yourselves!) with two packs of goodies. 

We were very generously sponsored by Flourish with a Bling for this challenge over at Delicious Doodles.  AND they let us have some flourishes and bling!  

I received the most gorgeous green leaf flourish - its really stunning - and I thought  I was going to use that - absolutely convinced I was...but then I ended up using the black set of gems instead!  S'funny how that happens isnt it?

SO - you may have guessed this already - our challenge this week is to use a flourish and also lots of bling!
AND - this is what the winner will win!

 So - without further is my lickle box....

No - it isnt floating!  Weird that though!  I used a nestability for the top and bottom - and a basic box.  Embossed the red bits (you cant see it in this pic but honest they are embossed - one of the dotty ones!).  Then I used Delicious Doodles' image of the watering can with flowers.

Oh look - you can see the dottiness in this pic - and also the shimmer on the flowers and bling.  What I really liked about this bling is that you can cut the flourish to get it to look how you want it to!  Originally, the flourish on top was far more complicated, but I just didnt have room to fit it all in - so I just chopped some bits on and then rearranged one of the chopped off bits!  In fact, if you look at the prize package, bottom left (grey ones) the actual flourish on the bottom left of that pack is the one that I used.

Gosh, this has ended up as a long post!  Suffice to say, go and have a nosey at the other dt work, and why not join in the fun yourself?

Thanks for checking me out!

2 comments: said...

Fab box and isn't it funny how you think you're going to do one thing and end up doing the opposite (I started of with the other flourish I received and then changed my mind).

Have a fab weekend

Claire xx

misteejay said...

What a fab little box Ruthie and that watering can is super.

Toni xx