Sunday 6 February 2011

Don't eat my chocolate!

Its my day to post over at Delicious Doodles today!  I am going to make a few bags for work friends etc to add a bit of choc for Easter - and this is one of them!

I used Teri's Voodoo lady and just thought she would be perfect for this!  I think Teri's "ladies" are just so gorgeous - stunning!  Why dont I look like this????

Have a great Sunday!  Enjoy whatever you get up to......and don't touch my chocolate!



misteejay said... long as you don't try and pinch mine LOL

Great idea Ruthie

Toni :o)

mckinkle said...

Chocolate?? Whats that Ruthie?! lol! Such a great fun make, your friends are very lucky!
Keryn x said...

Hee hee fab idea. No chance of me stealing your choccie - you live too far away and in addition it'd ruin my diet ;) x