Friday 11 November 2011

Delicious Doodles - Remembrance - bad taste post alert!

This post features a card of dubious (at best) taste - please don't view if you are sensitive!  

Ok, here is the tale....I suggested this challenge for Delicious Doodles, I thought it was appropriate because it is Remembrance Day today in the UK. 

Then I got a really bad taste idea in my head, it made me chuckle, but it was bad taste so I dumped it to one side.  

I then checked out the other DT member's wonderful creations and thought that I couldnt possibly add another poppy to the mix - so I went to the bad taste option again!  It still made me chuckle!  So, I thought I would make it - but not onto an ACTUAL card, just onto a blank front - I mean, there is no way I would send this to anyone, but (and sorry for this) it still makes me chuckle!

So here it is.....

....and let us never speak of it again!

Now, pop on over to Delicious Doodles and go look at all the really fabby stuff over there!


5 comments: said...

LOL - you're so funny! Have a fab weekend. x

Dragonlady said...

So typical Ruthie, you could never send this could you??? He he.

Hugs Ali x

ike said...

Bwaaaahahahahaha - spat my coffee when I saw this.!!!! LUV it. This really appeals to my sense of humour. I did consider something other than poppies but I didn't have the balls to mess with theme...... this is just soooo crazy :-D I could think of a few I would send this to. hahahaha Go Girl !!! :-D :-D xxxxx

ike said...

I'd love to know what Teri's gonna say when she sees this.... snort !!!!!!

Julie said...

Your sense of humor cracks me up. I think we could brainstorm lots of reasons to actually send this card. For example to someone who lost weight