Wednesday 4 December 2013

TAG IT! and a DT Call!

Get me!  More than a post a month!  Phew, need a lie down now!
Oh heavens, we have had such a funny day at work today - in a library - and giggling so much....madness!
 So, our challenge over at AudSentiments this time is to make a tag - making sure you include a sentiment!
I did mine, but then remembered someone at craft club had asked me to make a few cards, so I quickly turned it into a card!  The lovely lady bought this one and a few others, so I was dead chuffed! 
And, just before I dash off, I need to mention our DT call over at Audsentiments.  Just pop on over there and take a peek - be brave and have a go!
Ruthie x


  1. Awww Ruthie! It is a darling tag and even better card! Love the non-traditional colors - and on the card the Candi Dots embellies are perfect and easy. Nicely done toots!

  2. Love this hun, looks great on a card!
    Hope you had your tena ladies on at work
    Hugs Shell xx


Thanks for leaving me a comment ..... it makes me feel all snuggly and warm inside! Ruthiex